Casinos for you
Going to the doctor is not the best thing that could happen in your life. However, the doctors that appear in these slots are not going to give you any injections or pills, they just offer you to have fun or perhaps win some cash!
Moreover, the doctors you will be seeing as symbols on the reels differ very much from ordinary doctors. Hot nurses are also very likely to be featured as symbols, and this will make your visit to a slot doctor even better than it could be before! Other symbols may include special doctor tools, as well as medicines, syringes, and pills (again, you are not obliged to take them, just watch them appearing on the reels and triggering wins for you!
Doctor themed slots will sometimes offer very interesting and unique bonus games to you, but more often than not you will be just given some free games or rounds, as it usually happens with most other slots. Still not too bad, of course, as what matters in the end is how much you can win - and we really hope you will be able to win big!
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