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Wizards appear in legends and myths since ancient times, and are still featured in modern literature and cinema. Such a popular topic could not just passed by the Online Slots industry, and so many wizard themed slots appeared as well.
From Merlin and Wizard of Oz to Gandalf the White and Harry Potter, wizards have been the heroes of children and adults alike for hundreds of years. If you too have grown up hearing the stories of all these amazing wizards and their incredible magical powers, than surely you should try some of the wizard themed online slots and try on the wizard’s robes for yourself.
The magic that wizards wield is very real and extremely powerful, but must be used for good or it can lead to terrible things. If you intend to use your magical powers for good and the money you win while playing these games to help the world become a better place, than surely the powers of your newly found trade as a wizard will serve you well. Pick the wizard you want as your master and become his apprentice right now.
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