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As the saying goes, there is no bad weather, and this is absolutely true for Online Slots. Rain, snow, thunderstorms, hurricanes, and even tornados - all this is just fine as long as it helps you win!
Over the centuries, we have always been dependent on the weather conditions, and even though our modern technology has allowed us to take plenty of shelter from terrible weather, even to this day storms and hurricanes take thousands of lives and destroy entire cities without discrimination.
On the opposite side, good weather, with plenty of sun and rain, is what gives us life and makes the crops grown and keeps the animals fed. For this reason, weather is to be both respected and feared and those who truly honor nature understand this circle of life that is crucial to the existence of all living things.
Weather conditions and especially disasters have been used as a theme for many video slot games, and some of these might just blow you away with their amazingly powerful and cool cash prizes that can be won with every drop of rain and beam of sunshine that falls upon you.
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